LRBC: BUILD project

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Diary Date: BUILD Gift & Pledge Day

The next gift day for the BUILD project will be on Sunday 15th May 2011.

Please prayerfully consider your response. Thank you.

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BUILD: The Countdown Begins and a few practical matters

Further to the church meeting on Thursday 31 March, T J Evers the contractor will take possession of the site on Tuesday 3 May. The contractual completion date is Monday 5th December.

During these two dates please be aware that access to the contractor's area (ie. The Parlour, Primary Room, Main Hall and part of the garden) is restricted to the contractor and their employees please note that access will not be available to anyone else, unless by prior arrangement.

Space will be at a premium once the main contractor occupies their part of their church premises.

On Sundays the Main Hall and Garden will not be available and so refreshments after the morning service will be served in The Stables Lounge.

An obvious consequence is that there will nowhere for the children to run around and play. Could we therefore ask parents to be responsible for their children at all times but particularly after the service in what will be confined surroundings.

Please do not hesitate to contact Jane Brookes in the Church Office 01702 478698 should you require any further information on this matter or anything else associated with the BUILD Project.

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Thursday, April 07, 2011

Colour schemes - small group needed

Following the outcome of the Church Meeting we have now entered into a different phase with the project - construction!

T.J. Evers are gearing up to start on site on Tuesday 3 May 2011. One of our next tasks is to select and agree colour schemes, both inside and out.

If you have an eye for this and would like to be part of a small group undertaking this please contact Jane in the Church Office 01702 478698.

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The Lounge group invite ladies to a Build Fundraising Coffee Morning

LRBC's ladies group called 'The Lounge' are holding a fundraising coffee morning for the BUILD project on Tuesday 17th May between 11am - 12.30 at The Manse, 19 Parkside, Westcliff.

There will also be a bring and buy stall, plus a cake stall.

Please come and bring your friends.

There is a suggested minimum donation of £2 per person. See Jennie Hembery for further details.

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